CellCarta Biosciences Inc. (“CellCarta”) is a company whose legal and headquarters address is at 201 President-Kennedy Avenue, Suite 3900, Montreal, Canada H2X 3Y7. Its registry number with the Québec Enterprise Register is 1174632746.
Within the European Union, CellCarta has two Belgian subsidiaries. The first is CellCarta NV, whose registered office is in 2610 Antwerp at Sint-Bavostraat 78, Belgium. CellCarta NV is an accredited biological medical laboratory that provides contract research services. The second is CellCarta Biosciences SA, whose registered office is in 6041 Charleroi, at Rue Adrienne Bolland 8 bte 2, Belgium, which conducts contract research services. Outside the European Union (but also in Europe) CellCarta controls an inactive UK company, CellCarta UK Limited, whose registered office is at Unit 22, Surrey Technology Centre, 40 Occam Road, The Surrey Research Park, Guilford, Surrey, United Kingdom, GU2 7YG.
For questions or comments, please address a letter by post to:
Attn: Privacy Compliance Officer/Legal Department
CellCarta Biosciences Inc.
201 President-Kennedy Avenue, Suite 3900
Montréal, Québec, Canada H2X 3Y7
Or, please e-mail: privacy@cellcarta.com. CellCarta’s website privacy policy can be consulted here.