Wide Array of Services and Platforms

Expertise in single and multiplex immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence (IF), in situ Hybridisation (FISH, CISH, SISH), with different labeling methods and all major platforms including the ones from Ventana Medical Systems, Dako, and Leica Biosystems BOND.


Multiplex IHC Expertise

With the acquisition of MOSAIC laboratories, a pioneer in multiplex IHC services, CellCarta now offers a wider histopathology testing menu and access to a collection of thousands of FFPE human cancer and normal tissues for evaluation and validation of tests.

Digital Image Analysis

Analysis performed by our in-house team of pathologists (with key tissue sub-specialties) supported by an AI platform for objective, reproducible and scalable tissue biomarker assessment.

Genomic Analysis

Our histopathology and genomic platforms are coordinated to provide integrated solutions. We also harness the power of RareCyte® to identify and phenotype circulating tumor cells (CTCs).